design-for-success Domain Areas Health Leveraging Assets

I4WE Programme Model

The cycle of ill health and poverty is kept intact by system inefficiencies, episodic treatment seeking behaviour of the poor, and minimal focus on prevention and non-medical determinants of health. The poor lose up to 1-2 months of productive time in a year to an illness of self and family. Almost 50-80% of them live with some form of undiagnosed illnesses and die earlier than those who are economically better off. About 50-60 million people in India have been pushed to poverty, in the last decade, because of health-related expenditure.

Invest for Wellness (i4We) is a system innovation in primary healthcare, which combines health and wealth interventions, and focuses on wellness for the poor in an affordable, quality assured and scalable way. The programme ensures the primary care of members, navigates them through a range of existing secondary and tertiary providers and uses a blended financing model. The model combines medical, behavioural and social science with an appropriate mix of technology and health financing. It is currently delivered in four settings – Urban, Rural, Factories and Sex Workers’ collectives.

In any setting, a household becomes a member by saving a minimum of ~ 0.8-1 USD per week in a local health group. When a family member is ill, they get free, prompt, convenient and empathetic care in the local clinic by a nurse and a dial-in doctor. When they are well, they are screened systematically for 10 high-burden conditions. In the case of chronic conditions, continued support to adhere to treatment and other changes, is provided. When the condition requires hospitalization or advanced treatment, they are referred to a quality assured network of providers and treatment adherence.

The i4We model is guided by the philosophy of “work with what works” and complements the existing network of health providers by making them more effective and efficient, with a customer focus.

Members get health advice, assured screening and treatment for 20 diseases and conditions, and priority access to health services.

Know more about i4WE


Community Engagement design-for-success Enabling Specialists Leveraging Assets

Indicator Banks


Indicators are reinvented, poorly built and do not stack up to larger goals


CMS has collated and categorised 2000 indicators from various sources for the following sector/topics:

  • Health
  • Primary Education
  • HIV
  • Adolescent Health
  • Social and Behavioural Change Communication
  • And others

How it Works

  • Indicators are organised on – Aspect, type, source, frequency, disaggregation, link to SDGs, ease of collection, cost of collection, numerator, denominator, description.
  • For Projects/Programmes working in this area, the bank has been used to:
    • Select indicators for M&E for existing proven bank
    • Understand how they link up to their RA
  • 15 programmes have used the bank successfully to decide on indicators or modify them.
Community Engagement design-for-success Enabling Specialists Leveraging Assets

CATI – Area
Development Index

Village-level monitoring can play an important role in fostering knowledge and peer review sharing across villages in the same region (Gram Panchayat, Taluka, Zilla Parishad).

The ADI presents a new method of monitoring village development, because it expands the scope of understanding rural development– going beyond measuring physical infrastructure and livelihoods outcomes in isolation– to embed them within the multi-faceted context of SDGs inspired holistic development. Being able to focus closely on individual dimensions is an important way to find the aspects of village development that need attention, facilitating planning of policies. In other words, at a national level, ADI will provide data for policy planning and intervention.

Community Engagement design-for-success Enabling Specialists Leveraging Assets

Capi 2020

Capacity Assessment and Performance Index (CAPI) for Community Organisations (COs)


  • Internal – To continuously assess areas of improvement and strengthen
  • External – To understand the strengths, weakness and potential of organisations to partner with


  • Measures maturity and performance of Community Organisation (CO)
  • Measures the institutional capacity of the COs in delivering impact and achieve sustainability
  • Composite score arrived from assessment of critical dimensions of institutional capacity


  • Community Organisations – Members, Office bearers
  • Other Stakeholders – Funding agencies, Banks, Financial Institutions, Business partners, Resource Institutions