Implement for Scale


Unlocking the Power of Effective Execution


In today’s fast-paced and competitive business landscape, innovation and new ideas are constantly being generated. When it comes to implementing innovative ideas and interventions, achieving desirable outcomes can be a daunting task. However, simply coming up with a groundbreaking concept is not enough to ensure success. The true measure of an innovation lies in its implementation and its ability to deliver tangible results. Unfortunately, many well-designed projects fail when implemented at scale. This begs the question: Why does such a gap exist between what we know and what we actually do? The answer lies in the complex nature of implementation and the contextual factors that influence it. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind implementation failures, the costs associated with such failures, and the key factors that contribute to successful implementation.

Why Worry About Implementation?

It is a common misconception to assume that the effectiveness of an innovation guarantees its uptake into routine usage. Countless examples exist where highly effective programmes yield poor results when scaled. This discrepancy between knowledge and action is a significant challenge that needs to be addressed. One reason for this is the gap between what we know and what we do. Even if an innovation or intervention has been proven to be highly effective in small-scale studies or pilot programmes, there is no guarantee that it will be successfully implemented when scaled up. Establishing the effectiveness of an innovation is not enough; it needs to be effectively implemented to achieve the desired outcomes.

The success of implementation and innovation uptake depends largely on contextual factors rather than just the effectiveness of the innovation itself. Understanding these factors is crucial for achieving desired outcomes.

What is the Cost of Implementation Failure?

Implementation failure has both direct and indirect costs. It is not just about the money spent on the project but also about the time and effort that go into its implementation. According to a study by the Harvard Business Review, an average of 27% of projects incur cost overruns, and more than 70% incur schedule overruns. These delays and cost overruns can have serious consequences for individuals involved in the project, leading to tension and frustration and decreasing morale and productivity. The consequences of implementation failures can be far-reaching, impacting not only the organisation but also the individuals directly involved.

Factors Affecting Successful Implementations

Implementation is not just about the innovation itself but also about the arrangements and environment surrounding it. Even if an intervention is effective in a controlled setting, its success in the real world depends largely on the contextual factors that come into play. These factors include the external environment, teams and capacities, and the culture and systems in place.

To ensure successful implementation and results, we need to address these factors effectively.

So, what can be done to ensure successful implementation and results? One key aspect is intervention design. The innovation or intervention needs to be designed in a way that takes into account the contextual factors that influence its implementation. This includes considering the external environment, such as blueprints and action plans, as well as the teams and capacities involved. Having trained and certified team members, along with guided mentoring, can make a significant difference in the success of implementation. Additionally, the culture and systems within the organisation need to enable and promote the repeat processes that are necessary for successful implementation.

The RAPID Framework

To address these challenges, we have developed the RAPID framework. RAPID stands for Robust, Agile, Pragmatic, Intense, and Diligent – all qualities required for successful implementation for sustainable impact at scale. This framework focuses on multiple areas to ensure a comprehensive approach to implementation.

RAPID Framework

Elements of Successful Implementation

Successful implementation requires a comprehensive approach that addresses various aspects of the process. The following elements play a crucial role in achieving the desired results:

  • 1. Intervention Design

    Effective implementation starts with a well-designed intervention. This involves understanding the target audience, assessing their needs, and tailoring the intervention to address those needs effectively. This also includes ensuring the intervention aligns with the broader goals and objectives of the organisation or system in which it will be implemented. Proper planning and preparation lay the foundation for successful execution.

  • 2. Implementation Arrangements

    The success of implementation heavily depends on the arrangements made for its execution. This includes creating blueprints and action plans that clearly outline the steps to be taken. It also involves building teams and capacities through training and certification. Guided mentoring plays a crucial role in supporting the execution of the intervention. Additionally, establishing enabling cultures and systems that facilitate and repeat processes is essential for sustainable implementation.

  • 3. Alignment at Local and Macro Levels

    Great execution requires alignment at both the local and macro levels. Aligning finances and resources ensures that the necessary support is available throughout the implementation process. Promoting evidence-based learning empowers those executing the innovation and provides valuable insights with which they can make informed decisions and drive the implementation forward. Technology, such as generative AI, can further enhance efficiency and quality by simplifying and automating processes.

  • 4. Excellence in Execution

    Execution excellence encompasses aspects such as reach, fidelity, intensity, resource effectiveness, and repeatability. These factors contribute to the overall success of implementation and ensure that the desired results are achieved. Monitoring and evaluating progress at regular intervals helps identify gaps and make necessary adjustments. Furthermore, repeatability is crucial to replicate successful implementations and sustain the intervention over time.

  • 5. Results

    Ultimately, the success of implementation is measured by the results achieved. Implementation efforts should focus on delivering tangible outcomes that align with the original goals and objectives. Regular monitoring and reporting enable organisations to track progress and make data-driven decisions to enhance implementation effectiveness. This feedback loop allows for continuous improvement and ensures that the intervention remains relevant and aligned with the evolving needs of the target audience.

Our Offers

To support organisations in achieving successful implementation, we offer a range of services and tools. These include proof of concepts to test and validate innovative ideas, capacity-building programmes to equip teams with the necessary skills and knowledge, performance management tools and approaches, technical support, and state-of-the-art technologies. Additionally, our marketing and communication expertise can help organisations effectively position and promote their innovations and mobilise capital to provide financial support for implementation efforts.

Stages of Intervention

We can support organisations at various stages based on the requirements of the implementing organisation. It starts with comprehensive planning, followed by piloting the intervention to gauge its effectiveness and make necessary refinements. Once the pilot is successful, we scale up the implementation to reach a wider audience. Sustaining the intervention involves ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and adjustments to ensure long-term impact.


Implementing innovative ideas and interventions for sustainable impact at scale is a complex endeavour. However, by following a comprehensive framework like RAPID, organisations can increase their chances of success by understanding the reasons behind implementation failures, addressing the costs associated with these failures, and implementing the key factors of successful execution. Organisations can unlock the power of effective implementation. Through our comprehensive range of offerings and support, we strive to support organisations in their implementation journey and help them achieve the desired results.