

Our Wellbeing for Workforce practice strives to make wellbeing a reality for first-mile workers and reach 100 million workers by 2030. We are committed to the Wellbeing of the Workforce, their families, and communities.

Our Presence

Over the last 14 years, we have partnered with over 30 organisations and built our presence in over 351 factories across 14 states in India. We have also reached 12 countries across Asia and African regions through technical support on building capacities, programmes, systems, and workplace policies. We have reached over 230,000 workers and their families (more than 60% are women).

Our work on worker wellbeing, gender equality, and women's workforce empowerment is mentioned by international organisations and in alliances such as the United Nations Foundation, the World Benchmarking Alliance, the World Bank, the Walmart Foundation, and the ICRW, amongst several others.

We are a member of the World Benchmarking Alliance and are on the national consultation on business and human rights.

To respond to and address the COVID-19-related crisis around health, livelihood, and social areas, we are building an Apparel Sector Response in consultation with key stakeholders from the supply chain.

Our core competencies are in developing replicable models of transformation, large-scale implementation, and transferring knowledge and best practices that cut across boundaries and sectors. We have designed and implemented various national and international programmes.

We have built a repository of solutions and approaches to complex problems. We strongly believe that both worker and business wellbeing can be simultaneously maximised, and not at the cost of each other.